A Royal Roar Released

  As I was worshiping this morning, I saw a vision of the most beautiful male Lion with a jeweled crown on his head, and He lifted Himself up and released a roar. And as He roared, stars and comets and new worlds flew out of His mouth. In the incredible power of this roar,... Continue Reading →

The Ripe Barley Firstfruits – pt 2

When learning about this little band of sheep representing the firstfruits barley company, the Lord took me to the journey of the king who was once a shepherd, as he left the palace and fled from the hatred of his son. That journey was not an easy one, just as your journey in the last... Continue Reading →

The Barley Firstfruits is Ripe

These days of awe have been a time rich in revelation and outpouring of understanding. During the night of 13th September 2018, I heard an instruction, “go back to 20th March 2015.” I realized as I surfaced that it was approximately 3&1/2 years ago. I felt the Spirit emphasize that I must check my journals... Continue Reading →

9/11, Pain on Paper

Today, on the 17th anniversary of 9/11, the Lord reminded me of a poem I wrote after watching those towers crumbling to the ground. I felt a prompting to dig it out of my journal and post it. Sadly, it ends with a prayer that the disaster would bring the nation back to its Maker.... Continue Reading →

Rosh Hashanah 5779

Rosh Hashanah, the New Year or head of the year (also called the Day of Trumpets) on the Hebrew calendar, began at 6pm on Sept 9th and ends at 6pm on Sept 11th. This feast also begins the ten days of Awe which culminate in Yom Kippur, the day the High Priest went into the... Continue Reading →

Increased Measures of Glory

We are speeding towards our appointment with Rosh Hashanah and many people I know are experiencing an increased measure of attack and spiritual warfare as these days of Elul pass by. This morning, the Lord gave me a glimpse of what is actually occurring behind the scenes. For me to explain simply the understanding that... Continue Reading →

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