Roundup of Revelation in May

The Lord has been sharing a number of things with me during this month of May and I felt that although I don’t yet have full understanding on all aspects of these revelations yet, I should still share what I have, so that others can pray into the topics. We all see in part and... Continue Reading →

Call for the Wailing Women

In the third watch of the night (after midnight) on Thursday 10th of May, I had a very upsetting dream. In it, I could hear a man with an Israeli accent singing a lament over and over. I do not remember all the words he sang now but I could see him out of the... Continue Reading →

Pearls Bring out the Swine

During worship last weekend, I saw a hand, which I recognized to be the hand of the Lord, cast pearls all over the earth. They were lying in the mud. In the next scene, I saw Him running and joyfully gathering them up and setting them in place in a giant crown, as He held... Continue Reading →

Hear ye, hear ye!

This morning (May 3rd), as I was worshiping at the piano, I saw many hundreds of angels, flying fast, having been dispatched with scrolls to the Bride. Then I watched as each one stood like a town crier in front of one of the Lord’s beloved, as they read in a loud sing-song voice to each one:... Continue Reading →

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