The Fire-Starters ~ pt 5

Did you know that lightning doesn't only strike from the sky to earth, but also horizontally, within the clouds? Essentially, this paints a prophetic picture of those who dwell in heavenly places triggering revelation in one another, as they also participate together in releasing light and power from the heavenly realm into the earthly arena.... Continue Reading →

The Fire-Starters ~pt 4

I would like to continue in the theme of the release of the seed; a corporate company of messengers who are flames of fire and recommend that you have read the other 3 parts of this series before reading this one. I feel a bit like the first part of what I have to share... Continue Reading →

The Firestarters ~ pt 3

As I mentioned in part 1 and 2 of this series, the sperm carries the DNA of the Father, His sound and revelation truth needed to conceive or trigger the formation in the earth of God's end-time plans. Those who have a rudimentary knowledge of genetics from their school days will understand that when the... Continue Reading →

the Fire-Starters ~ pt 2

For God so loved the world that He sent His only-begotten Son... and now it is the same fiery jealous love that causes God to send His corporate company of sons; messengers of fire released and coming suddenly into view all over the earth, bringing a shaking that, in the final outcome, reveals the things... Continue Reading →

The Fire-Starters

Since I released the Book of End-Time Fire, the Spirit has not left this subject in my daily time with Him. The fire of God comes up continually day after day. On 26th April, I received instruction in a dream to write an article on 'the fire head'. At the time I had no idea... Continue Reading →

Ignited for Flight

This morning as I was sitting quietly before Him, the Lord said to me, "Listen, daughter" and I could hear nothing but noise pollution, a kind of static. He urged me to listen more deeply and as he said this, I saw a dark grey atmosphere and peering deeply into it, I finally saw shards... Continue Reading →

The Barley Firstfruits is Ripe

These days of awe have been a time rich in revelation and outpouring of understanding. During the night of 13th September 2018, I heard an instruction, “go back to 20th March 2015.” I realized as I surfaced that it was approximately 3&1/2 years ago. I felt the Spirit emphasize that I must check my journals... Continue Reading →

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